Mary Baxter

Main Research Interests
I am keenly interested in compiling transnational and comparative histories of the Great Lakes with a focus on the environment, natural resource exploitation and energy development. The topic of my PhD dissertation will come from this research.
My other main area of interest is exploring the history of information in the digital age with a particular focus on how we identify, value, view, and handle public information.
This work is funded by a Canada Graduate Doctoral Scholarship.
Review of Nora Loreto, Spin Doctors: How Media and Politicians Misdiagnosed the COVID-19 Pandemic, Canadian Journal of Health History, Vol. 41, Issue 1, April, 2024 129-132.
"What's in a Name?"/"Why descendants of Black settlers in Ontario fought to keep a controversial road name," Broadview Magazine, January, 2023. Feature winner, Canadian Christian Communicators Association 2023 awards; Best Multicultural Story winner, consumer division, Canadian Online Publishing 2023 awards.
"The 1900s Southwestern Ontario Sand Sucker Panic," Master's thesis, Western University Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository, This thesis was supported by a Canada Graduate Master's Scholarship.
Conference Presentations
"How Agriculture and Aggregate Mining Shaped the Shores of Pelee Island," Canadian Historical Association, University of McGill, Montreal, June 2024.
"Sand mining's eroding influence at Point Pelee," Canadian Nautical Research Society-Société Canadienne pour la Recherche Nautique and the North American Society for Oceanic History conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, June 2024.